QS-S25 6DOF Motion Simulator Platform
The QS-S25 is an advanced motion cockpit, designed for the most demanding racers who are looking for a professional simulation experience on high top level. The motion system based on patent pending linear actuator’s technology allows a much stronger sensation range such as understeer, oversteer, loss of grip or overloading during brake clearly blurring the difference between reality and virtual environment. Due to the combination of dedicated accessories and the QubicManager software, the 6DOF motion platform provides drivers an extreme experience of a real race or during the ultimate flights.

QS-V20 4DOF Motion Simulator Platform
The QS-V20 was designed for drivers looking for the most realistic simulation. The unique combination of high performance linear actuator's developed by Motion Systems and modern, adjustable accessories allow users to train and experience real racing and flight simulation.
The QS-V20 provides an amazing impression to get the feeling of driving a real racing car by delivering the sensation of road textures, velocity, suspension interaction feedback, engine vibrations, tactile feedback, haptic system and vehicle dynamics.

QS-CH1 3DOF Motion Simulator Platform
This motion system is the perfect solution for everyone who is looking for the most realistic simulation and reasonable, easy-to-use motion platform, which is designed for a continuous and maintenance-free operation. QS-CH1 only needs a 1.5 square meter place, and it is ideal for applications where the key is to reproduce the ergonomics of the original vehicle within a compact and mobile form. Power cabinets are located in the lower part of the QS-CH1 motion platform, under the cockpit, which significantly reduces the usable space and improves safety.

QS-CH2 2DOF Motion Simulator Platform
The QS-CH2 provides the most precise traction loss feeling by moving the entire cockpit. The motion system is based on the world’s fastest linear actuator’s technology, which delivers an incredible level of instant feedback to the driver. This motion platform is suitable for Rally, Drift and any racing simulations. By providing the oversteering effect, the platform can be used effectively for real and sim racing drivers training making them feel what happens to the front and the rear of the vehicle.

QS-220 3DOF Motion System
Innovative technology, modular and compact design, as well as the extremely quiet operation makes the QS-220 as a perfect motion base not only for professional applications but also for home users in various types of cockpits. Additional sets of QS-220 can be configured as a 4 and 6 actuated system to provide 3 / 4 / 6DOF using dedicated cockpits from Qubic System product line.
These units can easily be added to most 8020 rigs so if you're ready to add motion to your existing rig, these are the best of the best at a reasonable price. Compare to DBox!

QS-210 3DOF Motion System
The QS-210 3DOF motion set is designed as a more compact iteration of the Qubic System QS-220 industrial-grade linear actuators. This 3DoF motion set is linear, efficient, easy to connect, and requires no maintenance. The motion system shares the same features as the linear actuators utilized in
Qubic System motion cockpits, particularly the attributes of low latency time and real-time vibrations.
Tailored for dedicated sim racers and drivers, the QS-210 motion system boasts additional sets of brackets that enable racers to install actuators in the most popular aluminum profile based cockpits
available on the global market.

Driven by the same technology as the breathtaking QS-220, the QS-BT1 is a multi-purpose, dual channel, direct drive seat belt tensioner that increases sim racing immersion like no other device in its class and price range. It can complete not only force feedback offered by direct drive wheels, but also move up the level of overall experience offered by already really immersive QS motion platforms and if needed, it can even act as a standalone independent device.
Simulation of braking, lateral accelerations, high speed cornering, wheel locks and traction loss are among list of primary features of QS-BT1. Asymmetrical engine vibrations and road surface effects like rumble strips are also available for games that support them and despite being designed mainly for sim racing application, with its 200 N of force per channel, QS-BT1 can also successfully be used in flight simulators, to make you feel gigantic forces during high G maneuvers.